Registration Open!

Registration is now open for the Frank Dunn Triathlon on August 15, 2021! There are some notes around registration to pay attention to:

  • If you signed up for 2020, you are signed up for 2021. If you cannot make it for 2021, please contact us as soon as possible.
  • If you sign up for 2021, please be aware that circumstances may change to make this race unable to go forward. In this case, registration would defer to 2022.
  • Team registration is extremely limited. Register early!
Register Here!

A Quick Update

Now that our website is up and running again (technology, am I right?), we have a very short update regarding this year’s race. If you were registered for 2020, you are automatically registered for 2021. If you cannot race in 2021, we will get back to you on options once we know more about what is happening for the race this year.

Honestly, we don’t know what the 2021 race will look like right now. We should have a more significant update in the next couple of weeks as meetings have been scheduled and the powers-that-be talk and sort it out. More will be known and registration will be up soon enough.

So hang tight and watch the website! If nothing else, this pandemic has taught us to be patient and flexible. Take care out there and train safe!

2021 Date Change

Due to a variety of factors, the 2021 Frank Dunn Triathlon date has been changed to August 15, 2021. Traditionally this race has been held the week after the August long weekend. However, the next two years will be two weeks after the long weekend.

If you were registered for the 2020 Frank Dunn Triathlon and cannot attend the 2021 race, please contact us.

2020 Race Cancelled

Dear registrants of the Frank Dunn Triathlon,

We are very sorry to have to make this announcement. This year’s race will not be taking place due to restrictions by provincial and federal governments. We have entertained the idea of holding a race for the number that we would be allowed to participate and with the number of volunteers we need to insure a safe course. However, we cannot financially afford to run with that ratio.

For all those who have entered, we will defer to next year’s event on August 8, 2021 with no additional fees added on. We will keep the entry open this year for next year’s race, with the price increase on January 1, 2021. The team entry, as in the past, will open on April 15, 2021.

I am very disappointed to have to make this announcement, but am looking forward to returning to a more normal year where we can safely put on this event for everybody to come to Waskesiu and experience this great venue for a triathlon.

Thank you.
Mark Nagy,
Frank Dunn Race Director

We also sincerely apologize for not posting this sooner, we had a variety of technical issues that meant we weren’t receiving emails and couldn’t update the website. Our apologies!

2020 Registration

The 39th Frank Dunn Triathlon on August 9, 2020 registration is now CLOSED for individuals! As usual, team registration opens May 1st.

Early bird price $125.00 until April 30
From May 1 $ 150.00
Limit 150 individuals

Team registration opens on May 1
Team of 2 – $170.00
Team of 3 – $250.00


Kids Race on Saturday at 2:00pm
This will be a free race, just need a STAC or a one day membership. One day for kids is $10.00

2019 Race Results

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 39th Frank Dunn Triathlon on August 11, 2019! Conditions couldn’t have been better for the 96 individuals and 54 teams registered. Seriously, what a gorgeous day! The volunteers were great and the spectators cheered loudly for their athletes. The weather was certainly better than last year when people wore their winter jackets!

The men’s race was a battle to the end with Wyatt Kuntz (2:47:20) from Warman beating out Curtis Earl (2:49:58) of Saskatoon to take the men’s title.

Anne Marie Charles from Prince Albert showed that she is as talented as her big sister Christina, who is off to Ironman Kona in October, to be the women’s winner with a time of 3:05:43 beating out Jackie Hatherly (3:06:32) from Regina.

Also congratulations to the winning teams:
Black Roses (Mixed Team) – 2:55:41
Run Like the Winded (Male Team) – 3:14:53
Byers & Tiede (Female Team) – 3:20:41

Congratulations to all the athletes that came out and enjoyed the most beautiful course in Saskatchewan for the oldest triathlon in Western Canada!

Full Results:


Of course, the Frank Dunn Triathlon wouldn’t be complete without the photos of our official race photographer, Bob Holtsman. As a fellow athlete, he is well-versed in taking amazing action shots! Please credit Bob in any of the places you choose to share the photos. If you would like printed copies, let Bob know!

Pre-Swim and Swim Photos

Bike Photos

Run Photos

What a beautiful day for a swim!

Open Water Swim Clinic


the Waskesiu open water swim clinic

What: Triathlon Saskatchewan is coming back to Waskesiu to put on another open Water Swim Clinic. Sean Hooper will be back to teach safety and performance related skills to have you ready to compete in the Frank Dunn Triathlon and beyond.

Who: Ages 10 and up who can swim 200m in Open Water.

When/Where: Saturday, August 10th in Waskesiu 12:00-1:00pm at the Waskesiu Main Beach 

Register: To register simply e-mail listing your name age and goal for the open water swim session.

Cost: Free for Tri Sask Members. Non members must register to be a Tri Sask Member using one of the following options.:
Adult (20+): $70.00
Junior (16-19): $31.00
Youth (15 & under): $21.00
One Day Membership (any age) is $15.00
Go to to get a membership.

Race Information – 2019

38th Annual Frank Dunn Toyota Triathlon
August 11th, 2019


There is only package pickup at the Community Hall, it will start at 11:00 on the 10th, and go till 5:30 .  WE hope that we can get most of the PACKAGES picked up on Saturday. There will be pickup on Sunday morning but we advice pickup the day before so you have time to read the info in the package.

All participants need to have a Triathlon Association membership, Sask. or another Provincial body.  If you haven’t purchased please get the one day membership at Package pickup.


There will be a Carbo supper on Saturday night, from 6:00 to 8:00 at the Community Hall.  If you haven’t ordered tickets they will be available at Package pickup. They are $20.00 for adults and for kids under 12 we charge 10.00.  This is a pasta meal, with homemade sauces, and salads, all you can eat. We have room for 150 people, first come, first serve. This is a awesome meal – if you haven”t attended, it is worth every penny!

We are holding a Open Water Swim Clinic again this year at Noon on the Saturday.  It is being hosted by Sean Hooper, please attend if this is your first open water swim, or could use some instruction, this will help with your day on Sunday.

We will hold a SWIM / RUN for kids Saturday afternoon, register at 1:00 and will start at 2:00.

6-8 year olds50m500m2:00PM
9-10 year olds100m1000m2:15PM
11-12 year olds200m2000m2:30PM
13-14 year olds300m3000m3:00PM

This a a FREE Race, just need a STAC membership, or purchase a $10.00 one-day membership at registration.

Bring the kids out and cheer them on!!  If the lake is to rough we will have a run for the kids.


General race info about the course is available here.

There is NO PARKING at the COMMUNITY HALL parking lot.  Please park at Main Beach Parking Lot and walk to Transition Area.

Body Marking and Late Package pickup will be in the Community Hall starting at 6:45 on Sunday morning.  Your timing chip is in your package, please do not lose it, or forget it!!

This year we have to return the chips and the band, please give to the volunteer at the Finish Area.

There will be a PANCAKE breakfast for all spectators on Sunday morning, this is a great breakfast, your families will enjoy while you are on the bike course!!  It starts after the swim.

All interested volunteers please report to the Community Hall Saturday 12-5 or Sunday morning 7am for assignment, see Roy Fremont.  We always need more volunteers! Free shirt, free lunch and a amazing grand prize for one lucky volunteer.

Sorry to say the Bike Route will be the same for 2019 as it has been in the past. The Pack has filled the worst of the cracks. It is better than it has been, and we are making efforts with the park to get proper patching for 2020!!!


Mark Nagy 
2019 Race Director

Waskesiu Lake triathlon