Early bird pricing until January 31, 2017: $125
Regular pricing: $150
Limit: 200 individual registrations
Register Now!
Team Registration opens on April 15, 2017
Early bird pricing until January 31, 2017: $125
Regular pricing: $150
Limit: 200 individual registrations
Register Now!
Team Registration opens on April 15, 2017
Thank you to Bob Holtsman for taking pictures again this year!
Pre-Race and Swim Exit (Google Photos)
Another great year for racing at the 35th anniversary of the Frank Dunn Triathlon! The weather conditions in Waskesiu were fantastic for creating great results!
2016 Results – August 7, 2016
Individual results (Results Canada) – Participants: 118, Average time: 4:01:29
Team Results (Results Canada) – Participants: 47, Average time: 3:56:12
Men’s Winner: Tim Pierce, Saskatoon 2:51:07
Women’s Winner: Christina Charles, Prince Albert 3:01:43
Team Winner: Team bmc 3:06:17
2016 Frank Dunn Triathlon Individual Results – PDF
2016 Frank Dunn Triathlon Team Results – PDF
Just a few notes to help make your weekend go a little smoother.
There will only be package pickup at the the National Park. It will be at the Community hall at Waskesiu lake. It will be from 11:00 to 5:30 on Saturday, August 6th. Then in the morning of the race from 6:45 to 7:15!!!
If you do not have a STAC membership or a equal Provincial membership, be prepared to buy a One day membership from a STAC representative at Package pickup. All participants need to have a membership or one day insurance. Team participants are able to purchase a one day membership. A STAC membership helps with our funding, more members more funding!!
There will be a carbo Supper on Saturday, at the Community hall, ALL INDIVIDUAL ENTRANTS WILL BE GIVEN A FREE MEAL TICKET, tickets can be purchased at the package pickup for $15.00 for adults, and $7.50 for children 12 and under. This is a pasta meal with homemade sauces, salad!! We have room for 150 , first come first serve. This is a fantastic meal, if you haven’t attended before you are missing out.
Supper from 6:00 to 7:45!!
We will hold a SWIM / RUN for kids Saturday afternoon, register at 1:00 and will start at 2;00. This will be a free race, just need a STAC or a one day membership. One day for kids is $10.00
Age Groups Swim Run
6 to 8 male/female 50 m 500m
9 to 10 male /female 100 m 1000m
11 to 12 male /female 200 m 2000m
Bring the kids out and cheer them on!! If lake is too rough to swim we will have a run for the kids!!
There will be no PARKING at the COMMUNITY HALL parking lot, please park at the Main Beach Parking Lot and walk to Transition Area.
Body marking and late package pickup will be in the Community Hall starting at 6:45 on Sunday morning. Your timing chip is in your package, please do not lose it.
There will be a PANCAKE breakfast for all spectators on Sunday morning, this is sponsored by Waskesiu Chamber of Commerce. Starts after the swim!!
All interested Volunteers please report to the Community Hall Saturday (12 to 5) or Sunday morning (7 am) for assignment, see Roy Fremont. We need you!! Shirt, free lunch and a amazing grand prize for one lucky volunteer!!
Mark Nagy, Race Director
The Early Bird Entry of $125 is on until January 31, 2016. Make sure you register quick to get this price as well as guarantee your spot for the year’s race on August 7th. Register here!
Note: Registration is now closed.
You read correctly! 2016 individual registration is now open!
Team Entry Registration will open May 1, 2016.
Once again Bob Holtsman was our official race photographer and took some great shots on Sunday! The rainbow at 7am is a particularly great photo.
All of the photographs are found here! If you would like to order a high-resolution copy of your favourite photo, email Bob at bobholtsmanphotography@gmail.com.
Also, here is a photo montage of the 2015 race. Thanks to Johanna Desrosiers of JVD Photography for putting it together.
Congratulations to all the athletes for their efforts on Sunday! It was a gorgeous day with perfect conditions. The lake was calm, the bike was virtually windless, and the run was beautiful and warm. Thank you Mother Nature for the help on Sunday!
Particular congratulations goes to Christina Charles, a local athlete from Prince Albert, who won the Female division for the third year in a row! Her time of 3:05:26 meant that she came in 5th over all! She did an interview with the Prince Albert Herald, which you can read here. Curtis Earl from Saskatoon came in first in the Men and overall with a great time of 2:55:56.
Of course a great race cannot happen without the volunteers! A big THANK YOU goes out to all the volunteers for helping make the race a success!
A race is not complete without results: Here are the full results for the 2015 Frank Dunn Triathlon.
Next year’s race, the 35th anniversary, will be August 7, 2015. See you then!
Race package pick-up:
There will only be package pickup at the the National Park. It will be at the Community hall at Waskesiu lake. It will be from 11:00 to 5:30 on Saturday, August 8th. Then in the morning of the race from 6:45 to 7:15.
This race-day checklist from Training Peaks is great for first-timers and a good reminder for the experienced triathletes. Print the PDF here.
You should have goals for every race you do, even training races. Write down the 2-3 things you would like to accomplish or learn today.
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